Monday, November 29, 2010

Me Against The Universe

I believe in the Universe. I believe in Karma. I believe in energy and how it not only affects us but others. Yes, I am a Social Worker who believes that there are ways to heal people that do not include previously studied Human Behavior theories, learned behaviors, nature versus nurture, etc.

Today, I had a bad day. I wanted to blame my lack of sleep, my inability to focus on my studies, my work-related stress... I wanted to blame everything and everyone around me, because, in all honesty, life is a lot easier when we can "displace" the blame on anyone or anything but ourselves. So after a few tears and sudden urges to punch a wall (don't fret, I refrained from the latter), I gave myself what I would call a dose of reality, and for the first time in a while.... I blamed myself.

Social Workers are humans also. We want to help, that is why we chose this profession. However, the only way to help people at times is just to let the Universe take care of it. Selfish, you say? Insane, perhaps? Nonsense. See, I believe that we are all given a path to follow, and no path is complete without challenges. We can choose to fight them, or we can choose to receive what the Universe has in store for us and learn from it.

My philosophy: take what the Universe gives me, find my balance, and let the challenge take its course. I have chosen not to fight it, but to embrace it, focus on the outcome and the fact that that's the ONLY part that I may actually have some influence over. My bad day could have been avoided if I had thought about this earlier and stopped focusing on what I could not control. My degree does not mean I can "fix" things, let alone change them, so I need to learn to let those things happen how the Universe wants them to go.

And so it is, I have finally completed my 2010's "New Years Resolution." I have peace of mind and I have found my balance. Yes, its ok to stumble every once in a while, and for THAT I blame myself, and so, life goes on, and I can go to sleep knowing that whatever the challenge is today, its only so I can better myself tomorrow.

P.S: for those who asked me what the "concept" of this blog would be... think "Seinfeld"... like the Universe, I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen, I'm just going to go ahead and LIVE.